Friday, December 18, 2015

Who has time for stress?

So I have been home all week.  And now with the dust settling on my new found freedom, I have realized something.   I feel a lot less stressed out.  And that's super wonderful.  I will say that the whole "change" thing was a little crazy at first, but I think I'm finally getting the hang of it.

I decided to go out today to handle some "adult stuff".  I needed to stop by the bank and roll over my 401k into an IRA account.  Over the years I have learned about a lot of "adult stuff".  Whether it was buying my first car or my first home.  To getting married for the first time as well as divorced.  Every time you do something for the first time it can seem scary and stressful.  With all those things, I would find myself over thinking things to death.  But not today.  Today I had to go a learn about IRA's and which one was the best for my small, but just as important, 401k to roll over into.  But it wasn't scary or stressful.  I filled out the paper work that I needed to fill out.  Chit-cahtted with the banker while she did her thing.  And then I was on my way.  Am I 100% about everything that transpired?  Not really.  But I realized that I could make changes later if I needed to.  It didn't need to be perfect the first time around.  Today's task was just to get the ball rolling so that I could avoid a 20% penalty if the account got cash out.  The end.  No need to be stressed over "what if's" because it can always be changed later.

After I left the bank, I felt compelled to go out into the Christmas rush to find my husband a gift.  It was only 1:30 in the after noon but the highway was already packed.  At one time I looked down to see I was going only 12 MPH in a 65.  But, that too was ok.  What could I do about it?  Nothing.  So why get upset?  I turned up my Christmas music, slurped on my smoothie, and finally made it to my destination.  When I arrived, I parked in the first spot.  Went in and found a gift for my love, and was on my way again.  End of story.

It was all rather lovely.  Sure there were a lot of triggers that could have set me off, but for the first time, in a long time, they didn't.  I got done what I needed to get done and came home to chill out for the rest of the evening with my little family.

With each new experience you will learn and hopefully take something with you.  Buying cars became easier and easier.  Hell I've gotten offered jobs by car sales-men before!  Buying my second home with my wonderful second husband was 100 times easier.  And now if I need to manage another 401k, I will know how to do that as well.  As far as Christmas shopping goes, with only a week till Christmas, well I think I just got lucky!

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