Thursday, January 1, 2015

108 on 1-1-2015

I started off 2015 with 108 sun salutations, or to put it simply, 2 amazing hours of yoga.  I do yoga currently once a week at Lifetime Fitness.  I love being a member at Lifetime, but yoga is not their strong point unfortunately.  It's great for a beginner but for someone like myself (I've done yoga for over 7 years), it is very impersonally and corporate.  Before I was a member there I did yoga anywhere from 3-4 times a week with my "yoga guru" Veronica of Yoga For Everybody (see my earlier blog about my yoga before Lifetime).  I truly miss doing yoga with Veronica but Lifetime is within walking distance for me and for me to want to do anything at 5:30am, I better not have to travel far!  But never the less, it was so good to practice with her again.

Yoga makes me feel truly in touch with my inner self (not to mention it is a great practice to use for cross training if you are a runner or cyclist).  Even though there were about 20 people there today, I felt like I was the only one in the room.  I connected with my thoughts, my breath, and the music all at once.  Towards the last 27 sun salutations, I found myself going through the motions with my eyes closed and smiling, just because I was present there toady, the first day of the year, doing something good for my mind and body.

I'm currently thinking about doing my first half marathon in April (I know, I'm nuts).  Last year, around the same time, I did the Austin 10/20 race and every Saturday was my long run day for the 10 week training program.  And every Saturday, Veronica hosts a donation based yoga class at 8am at HK Taewondo.  So for 10 weeks, I would go to yoga at 8am and then immediately after, I would go for my long run.  Running and yoga go hand in hand in my book.  I always felt so great on my runs after yoga.  My muscles were warm and I was already stretched out and ready to go!  So, if I sign up for this half marathon (The Biggest Loser Half Marathon), I will probably being seeing a lot more of my guru!

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