So I have been home recovering from a nasty cough. I've found myself spending a lot of time on Facebook! I have recently become a member to some really great Facebook Group pages. Now I am addicted to them! All the posts are so interesting and I've found myself learning a lot. Plus it's nice to hear about other peoples progressions, things they have tried, and things they dream to do.
One of the pages is called Minimalist Lifestyles. Name kind of speaks for itself. Just a bunch of people coming together and learning how to live with less and declutter their lives. I love it! People talk about what rooms in their homes that they have gone through and show before and after pictures. They talk about different ways to cut down on things we want -vs- things we actually need. I can say that I have already made several trips to the local donation centers and I feel lighter and a little more stress free already!
Another page is called Naturally-Crunchy Betty. I haven't been on it long yet, but from what I can tell it is a place where people are all looking for different ways to use more natural products for everyday issues and more conscious living. They refer to themselves as either "Betty's" (feminine), "Rhetty's" (masculine) or "Crunchies" (gender neutral). A lot of the questions or posts seem to be from maybe first time mom's or people with children (which doesn't interest me all that much) but then there are a lot of other questions about how to heal certain ailments, or how to use certain products (example the Diva Cup) and so on. Pretty interesting stuff and a fun group of people!
Then I am also on several different pages about Tiny Homes. These are fun and interesting. People from all over talk about what their dream tiny homes would be like, some share where they are in the process of building their homes, and others share about how it is to live in a Tiny House. It's quite the movement and very exciting to see others so excited about it. A couple pages are Tiny House People, Tiny House Resource Group, and Tiny Homes & DYI.
All are worth checking out! And all are very addictive! Enjoy!
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